With a special focus on women's health, childbirth education, and health education, our growing team of board-certified nurse-midwives are currently supporting women in our community and welcoming patients in Bend.

Certified nurse-midwives are experts in normal pregnancy, delivery, and reproductive healthcare. At ECWG, if you choose to see midwives for your pregnancy, you will be cared for by our panel of experienced, compassionate midwives, as well as having peace of mind knowing our excellent team of OBGYNs is available for consultation and collaboration if needed. Our midwives are passionate about shared decision making with patients. They are committed to empowering patient choices in healthcare by communicating options, making clinical recommendations, and supporting patients in making choices that are best for them. They respect pregnancy and birth as normal events and intervene only if needed.

The four midwives of East Cascade Women's Group smiling and standing outside in front of green and yellow bushes.


Department: Certified Nurse Midwife
Specialty: Contraceptive Managment, Menopause Care, Trauma-Informed Care
Department: Certified Nurse Midwife
Specialty: contraceptive management, Perinatal Care, Trauma-Informed Care
Portrait of Alexa Smith-Ellison
Department: Certified Nurse Midwife
Specialty: Perinatal Mood Disorders, Prenatal Education, Trauma-Informed Care
Department: Certified Nurse Midwife
Specialty: contraceptive management, Menopause Care, Miscarriage Management


I want an Epidural. Can I still have one with a Midwife?

Midwives support and respect patient choices about how to manage pain in labor. If you want an epidural go for it! If you wish to avoid pain medication, midwives have additional training to support physiologic coping methods during labor.

I have a high risk pregnancy. Can I still have a Midwife?

Midwives manage many pregnancy and delivery complexities but not all. If you’re interested in midwifery care, but unsure if you are a candidate for midwifery care, let us know and our team will evaluate who is best suited to care for you.

Are Midwives covered by Insurance?

Yes! Midwifery care is covered under all Oregon healthcare plans.

How are Midwives trained?

Our midwives are certified nurse-midwives. They are registered nurses who then pursued a masters or doctorate degree to become nurse practitioners with certification in midwifery and reproductive health.

Do you do home birth or water birth?

Our midwives perform deliveries at St. Charles Medical Center and do not offer home birth. You are welcome to labor in the water but delivery in water is not currently offered at St. Charles.

Will the Midwife I see in pregnancy be at my birth?

Our goal at ECWG is to give you the safest care possible through collaboration with our OB partners.  To do so we rotate who is on call doing deliveries to ensure the provider on call has had time to rest. Our midwives rotate at the hospital and attend deliveries 4-5 days a week during the day, while our physician colleagues cover nights and weekends. There is always a physician on call to support labor and delivery.