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Important Reminders
- Eat 5-6 small meals a day to help with nausea, heartburn, and low blood sugar
- Drink at least 80 oz of water a day
- Do not change cat litter boxes
- Always wear your seatbelt
- Avoid hot tubs and saunas
- Sex is safe during pregnancy unless your provider tells you differently.
- Thoroughly rinse fruits and vegetables before eating.
- Don’t eat hot dogs, deli meats, or packaged lunch meat unless they are hot (heat unIl steaming)
- Do not eat raw or undercooked foods.
- No unpasteurized juices or milk.
- No unpasteurized soft cheeses (look for label “made with pasteurized milk”).
- No raw sprouts
- Increase iron to 30 mg. per day
- We recommend eating fish during pregnancy, but you need to be mindful of mercury levels. See recommendations at: www.fda.gov/fishadvice
- For great information on healthy diet in pregnancy- go to https://www.myplate.gov/life-stages/pregnancy-and-breastfeeding
- Exercise is considered safe and is recommended during pregnancy. In the absence of any contraindications, exercise during pregnancy has been shown to be extremely beneficial, not only for the mother, but for the fetus as well. You may conInue the exercise you were doing before pregnancy with some excepIons.
- If your job requires you to lift more than 25 pounds on a regular basis, please let your provider know.
- No sports that have the risk of falling such as snow sports, horseback riding, bicycling, motorcycle riding or jet-skiing are advised.
- Walking, swimming, and yoga are great opIons for exercise.
- Period like cramps that don’t go away after resting and drinking water.
- Bright red bleeding.
- Fever over 101° or over 100° with a cough.
- If you have a blow to the abdomen or a fall.
If you experience a serious medical emergency, please call 911 or go directly to the nearest ED.
Please note there is no OB care available at St Charles Redmond or Prineville.
To contact a provider after hours for urgent medical needs: We have a physician on call for urgent medical needs 24 hours a day. To contact a provider after hours, call our clinic number at 541.389.3300 and follow the prompts for after- hours emergency/urgent need. Stay on the line unIl you reach the clinic service who will page the on-call doctor. Do not leave a message as voice mail messages left will not be checked unIl the next business day.